Saturday, March 14, 2009

Engagement Proposal Ideas

With engagement proposal ideas modernizing into an "anything goes" mentality, proposals nowadays need to go beyond the line and think of new ways. But even though there are new ways to propose marriage. Most of the conservative and old ways are still up and effective to most of the people. So here are some of them.

Meet the Parents

* The concept of asking your intended's parents' permission to wed may seem old-fashioned, but it still really romantic to ask the parent’s permission before you even ask the girl because it is a sign of full respect.

On Bended Knee

* There are different ways to propose but this is by far the most use of them all. Being on bended knee while proposing is considered a sign of servitude to the lover, this tradition dates back to the days of knights and chivalry and continues to evoke romance today. But if you think you'll be weak at the knees when proposing, pick another pose that's comfortable for you.

Romantic Ways

* Decide on what your intended will find sentimental and memorable and incorporate meaningful gestures - such as asking for her hand at her favorite restaurant. What is the best way to propose in a romantic style is really up to what your girl likes. Start with that and then think of ways to propose around what she likes.

Have the most Romantic Proposals Gift for your girlfriend and make her say yes